Thursday, September 10, 2015

Alba's baptism
February 2, 2015

Hey sweet fam!

Well, it´s been a wonderful week for sure!  Where do I even begin?  On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we had normal days, but on Thursday, we had divisions with Hermana Ospina (from Colombia) and Hermana Antone (from Texas)!  They slept over at our house Wednesday night, and then all four of us worked in Juan Lacaze the following day!  It´s summer here and lots of people are taking vacations or hanging out at the beach, so we kind of had a lack of people to visit.  But we had a great day contacting and discovering new streets in our area.  Woot woot!  It was stressful planning for four hermanas (I may or may not have cried in the shower the next day because I just felt so beat), but I honestly love divisions because I learn so much.  The following day, Friday, we had a fun branch activity!!!  The elders taught a quick lesson about charity, and then we played two fun games.  During one game, people wrote on a sticky note something they wanted their neighbor to do.  But in the end, THEY had to do the thing written on the sticky note (to show we should always live by the golden rule).  During the next game, we spun a bottle.  The person on one side of the bottle said something nice about the person on the other end of the bottle (to show if we have something kind to say, we shouldn´t keep it inside)!  And then on Saturday, Alba had her baptism!!!  The elders also had a baptism for a cute thirteen-year-old named Karina!!!  Oh my goodness it was honestly such a special day.  Alba decided she wanted Hermano Dotti to baptize her because they worked together for years and years in a factory here in Juan Lacaze.  I loved seeing the two of them in the baptismal pool (we don´t have a font here so we use a pool) and every part of the program honestly went so well.  Hermana Dotti and Camila Villagran gave quick messages about baptism and the power of the Holy Ghost, Monica (Alba´s neighbor who´s also a member) gave the opening prayer, the elders, Hermana Obando, Eliana (a member), and I sang “When I Am Baptized” (in Spanish, of course), and Hermana Villagran gave such a special welcome to Relief Society.  As Alba left after her baptism, she said to me, “It´s been such a long time since I´ve felt this happy!”  I don´t have much time, but I just want to end by saying this gospel is all about feeling HAPPY.  Alba nailed it.  I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by Jesus Christ and that He loves us and knows exactly how we feel.  I know even though we make mistakes, we can always repent and feel at peace again!

Hermana Dixon

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