Tuesday, September 29, 2015

At Dallin H. Oaks conference with Hermanas Tate, Rivera, and Paredes
April 27, 2015

Hey fam!!!

So this week was awesome!  First off, I loved being able to hear from Dallin H. Oaks and his sweet wife!  Dallin H. Oaks shared something really cool about being an instrument in God´s hands.  If we want to be an instrument in God´s hands, we need to be like a ballpoint pen.  We need to be ready to be used 24/7 (even during P-Days).  We need to make sure our ink is good to go (aka we need to be healthy and make sure we´re eating and exercising well).  We need to be willing to write the writer´s message, not our own message (aka we need to share God´s message, not our own words).  It was an awesome analogy, and one thing I know for sure is that it is a huge blessing to have a restored church with a prophet and his apostles.  They really are men called of God.  And as for Sister Oaks, she reminded me of something really special.  She mentioned people around all the world are praying for us as missionaries.  Whenever we have a hard time, we need to remember there are millions of prayers coming our way!!!

I´m really beginning to love Artigas, and sweet Hermana Ramirez is the perfect companion for me right now.  She´s helping me so much with my Spanish, and we always have so much fun talking together as we walk along in the streets of Artigas!  This past week, we had a great experience working with the Dos Santos family!!!  They are a family in our ward and are so faithful!  Hermano Dos Santos is from Brazil and Hermana Dos Santos was born in Uruguay!  They have three daughters, and one of their daughters recently returned from her mission in Brazil, and they´ve got a daughter serving in Brazil right now! 

But anyway, the other day, Hermana Ramirez and I found an awesome family, the Berneda family!  They´ve been members for quite some time, but haven´t been to church for a while.  We had a lesson with them on Saturday, and we wanted to go with some members who could really help strengthen them!  We called various people, but no one was really answering.  So finally, it came to our minds that we should call the Dos Santos family!  We called them and they said they´d be willing to go out with us!  Woo hoo!

So anyway, when we arrived to visit the Berneda family, the stars aligned.  It turns out the Dos Santos family has always seen Hermano Berneda in the supermarket, they just had no idea he was a member!  And Hermana Berneda is also from Brazil, so she and Hermano Dos Santos loved talking in a Portuguese/Spanish mixture!  They got along so well!!!  Afterwards, Hermana Ramirez and I shared some scriptures about the importance of the sacrament (if you ever want to learn more about the sacrament, you should totally read in 3 Nephi 18)!  Hermana and Hermano Dos Santos shared powerful testimonies about the sacrament and the importance of enduring to the end, even though there are always obstacles and opposition.  Hermana Ramirez and I both had tears in our eyes because we were just so happy God put the Dos Santos family and the Berneda family together!  And yesterday, the Berneda family came to partake of the sacrament!

I know God is aware of each one of His children and always puts others in our path to help us out.  I know when we take the sacrament, we can literally have a fresh page!!!  I always make so many mistakes during the week, but I know through Jesus Christ´s sacrifice, it doesn´t matter what we did wrong the past week.  All that matters is that we try to be just a bit better the next week!  I know when we feel like we can´t go on much longer, the sacrament can recharge our spiritual batteries!!!

Well, that´s all for now, and just remember I love you all SO MUCH!!!  Thanks for being the best fam ever!

Hermana Dixon
With Hermana Aragao in Brazil
April 20, 2015

Hey sweet fam!

Okay I don´t have much time, but here are a few updates!


  • Brazil with Hermana Aragao was awesome.  The people didn´t understand me in Spanish, so she translated for me.  She is such a special missionary, and I just love her!  And it was so cool for me to see faithful members living the gospel in BRAZIL as well.  The gospel is for all the world!

  • Uncle Tom totally sent me an email about Artigas and said he loved two faithful sisters, las Hermanas Buenos.  They are in their nineties now and are still so full of life!!!  Hermana Ramírez and I visited them this past Saturday and they made a little apple cake for us.  I am so excited to tell them Uncle Tom loves them!!!

  • Tomorrow we are having a mission-wide conference with Dallin H. Oaks.  This week I studied Mark 4, because his conference talk was about this parabol.  You guys should totally read Mark 4 and ask yourselves what kind of seed you want to be. 

  • Heavenly Father always pours down so many miracles on his missionaries!  This past week, I was feeling a bit down about my Spanish, and I found the awesomest talk in the Liahona!  It´s by a seventy...I don´t exactly remember his name.  But when he served a mission, he had to learn German and totally struggled with the language.  And it stressed him out!!!  He kept comparing himself to other missionaries, but one day when he was feeling super stressed out, he knelt down and said a prayer in a random cleaning shack.  He received an impression from God saying He didn´t call him as a missionary to speak the language perfectly, He called him as a missionary to serve Him with all his heart, might, mind, and faith.  So even though we have our imperfections, if we´re doing our best, Heavenly Father is pleased with us.

Well, I sure do love you lots!  Have the best week ever my sweet fam!

Hermana Dixon

Monday, September 21, 2015

Beautiful Brazilian skies
April 13, 2015

Hey sweet fam!

Okay so here I am writing to you guys from a cyber in BRAZIL!!!  My sweet new companion (Hermana Ramirez from Peru who is twenty-two and has about three months in the mission) is in Montevideo signing her papers.  So for today, I will be spending my P-Day with Hermana Aragão (who is serving here in Brazil)!!!  When I was starting out my mission, Hermana Aragão and I had a very interesting day filled with lots of walking in Fray Bentos.  It´s so fun to be re-united with her for another day!  We will be working together in the afternoon and everyone here speaks Portuguese, so I am really excited for an interesting adventure!

Well let me just give you a little run down about my life!  As I was leaving Juan Lacaze, some sweet members put on a little good-bye Family Home Evening and it was so nice!  And then, I had to say good-bye to Hermana Jenkins.  It was hard because she was honestly such a special companion (she is so sweet, is compassionate, and has a deep love for the gospel), but I know I´ll see her sometime soon and you can bet I´ll be visiting her frequently in St. George!

And as for my new area...it´s GREAT!  I´m working in a ward (Barrio 6) and the members here are awesome as well!  They are so willing to go out with us to share their testimonies!  Also, the people in Artigas are SUPER friendly.  As we contact and such, people are so willing to talk with us!

I am living in a super big house with Hermana Ramirez and two other sweet hermanas:  Hermana Rivera from Mexico and Hermana Grundvig from Loveland, COLORADO.  Woot woot!  The room where Hermana Ramirez and I are sleeping has a huge hole in the wall, so at nighttime, it´s basically like we have air conditioning!

And boy, oh boy.  My new companion is awesome!  She´s my third companion from Peru and I just love her.  She is super upbeat, is a really great teacher, and is helping me so much with my Spanish!

Well that´s all for now!!!  Can´t wait to give you guys more updates, and just know I am happy and well in my new area.  LOVE YOU ALL SWEET FAM!

Hermana Dixon

P.S. Everyone here drinks something called Guaraná.  It´s super rico and you guys should see if you can find it in the U.S.!

Ode to Juan Lacaze!

April 7, 2015

Hey sweet fam!

Okay, so big news!!!  Tomorrow, I will be heading to Artigas!  It´s an area in the northern part of Uruguay.  Fray Bentos and Juan Lacaze are more in the southern part, so it should be fun to get to know the northern part of Uruguay!  I´ve heard Artigas is super close to Brazil (I think the missionaries can even cross the border to buy food and such), is super hot (it´s a huge blessing I´ll be heading there during fall and winter here), is super economical (I'm excited to buy some more food), and super great!  I am so excited, but it´s always bittersweet to leave a beloved area.

Let me just tell you all a bit about Juan Lacaze.  This place is awesome, and the people here are even awesomer.  I have absolutely loved having the opportunity to serve the sweet members, investigators, and people in Juan Lacaze!

I still remember the first day I got here.  It was all the way back in October, and I felt so unsure as a missionary.  I still wasn´t sure if I´d be able to make it!  When I think back to this time, 1 Nephi 11:17 comes to my mind.  As Nephi explains what he knows about the nature of God, he says, "I know that he loveth his children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things."  When I arrived in Juan Lacaze, I definitely DID NOT know the meaning of all things.  I still had so much to learn (okay, and for that matter, I still have so much to learn), but I did know one thing…GOD LOVES HIS CHILDREN!

And boy oh boy does God love his children in Juan Lacaze, or what!  

He loves sweet Hermana Teresa who lives next door to us, loves sharing her testimony, and always takes such great care of us. 

He loves awesome Hermana Lebe, who was recently called as Relief Society president and who does so much to help all the women in the branch. 

He loves President and Hermana Ayala.  They live far away from Juan Lacaze, but are always willing to travel here in order to help all the sweet members in the branch. 

He loves Hermana Graciela, a sassy recent convert who has some health problems, but nevertheless always sacrifices her time and money to cook delicious lunches for the missionaries.  

He loves the Bautista family and is so grateful for their examples of strength.  For months and months, Hermana Bautista had problems with her leg and had to stay in her bed.  As a result, Hermano Bautista was in charge of all of the housework and such.  But they never lost faith amidst such trials.  And finally, Hermana Bautista is healing and is able to walk and sit in chairs and such!  God loves this sweet couple!    

He loves Hermano Poses and his willingness to preach the gospel and share his testimony about the Book of Mormon.

He loves the Dotti family and all the daily sacrifices they make to help those around them smile.

He loves Hermana Maria Villegas and her sweet testimony prayers.

He loves Hermana Andrea and her unshakable faith.  She´s a single mom facing a lot of trials, but she knows with God, she can be STRONG!

He loves Eliana, a young woman who teaches the gospel to her little three-year-old nephew, has a great sense of humor, and goes to all means to help us out.

He loves Hermana Monica, who is super compassionate and introduced her neighbor, Hermana Alba to the gospel!

He loves Hermana Alba, a recent convert who always has a smile on her face, is so eager to learn, and is so willing to share what she has with all of God´s children.

The list could just go on and on, but I think you guys get the point.  God loves his children in Juan Lacaze, Uruguay!  And it´s so incredible to think how many parts of the world there are and that in every single part, God loves his children! 

I still am so not the perfect missionary and I´ve made lots of goofs in Juan Lacaze, but this place has also helped me grow.  During my time here, I´ve not only learned how to survive as a missionary, but I´ve learned how to LOVE THE WORK!  This place has changed my heart and it´s sad to leave.  But you know what?  God also loves his children in Artigas and I am so excited to get to know them!

I love you all so much!  Always remember God loves all of His children in Layton, Provo, Highlands Ranch, and Washington, D.C. as well!:)

Hermana Dixon

Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Living the Gospel Joyful"


March 30, 2015

Hello sweet fam!!! 

It´s been another great week in Juan Lacaze!  Hermana Jenkins and I are super excited because we´re going to have a big Family Home Evening in Hermana Alba´s house tonight!  When we asked her what theme she wanted us to cover, she said, "Yo quiero que todos los miembros en la rama pueden ver el lado bueno en todas las cosas!"  AKA "I want that all of the members in the branch can see the good in every situation!"  What a great theme she chose, no?

So this morning, as Hermana Jenkins and I were thinking about what we could share, we came across an AWESOME talk by President Uchtdorf, “Living the Gospel Joyful” (https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/10/living-the-gospel-joyful?lang=eng).  I would love to share a little excerpt that talks about the relation between the commandments of God and our blessings!

By choosing Heavenly Father’s path, you lay a divine foundation for your personal progress as a (child) of God that will bless you throughout your life.

"Part of our challenge is, I think, that we imagine that God has all of His blessings locked in a huge cloud up in heaven, refusing to give them to us unless we comply with some strict, paternalistic requirements He has set up. But the commandments aren’t like that at all. In reality, Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. It is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us.
His commandments are the loving instructions and the divine help for us to close the umbrella so we can receive the shower of heavenly blessings."
We are just so excited because we´re going to do a little object lesson.  We´re going to cut out raindrops, write blessings on them, and pour them over someone who´s got an umbrella out.  And what´s going to happen???  They´re not going to receive the blessings.

During some points in my mission, you can bet I´ve had my umbrella out blocking some of the blessings God was raining down on me.  I am such a weak servant and there have been times when I´ve felt afraid, when I´ve felt doubts, and when I haven´t lived the gospel joyfully!  But you know what?  Our Heavenly Father is so patient with each one of us and little by little, He helps us overcome our weakness.  He takes our hands and helps us shut our umbrellas!

I´ve seen so many blessings in my mission this past week, and I would just love to share a couple of the little raindrops God has given me the opportunity to see!

1) Maria Ínes and Florencia!!!  Remember how one time I talked about that cute grandmother and her granddaughter who cleaned their house for our visit!?  We´re still working with them and they´re doing great!  Maria is awesome...she didn´t go to school so reading is really difficult for her.  BUT...she´s been reading and studying the Book of Mormon and her reading skills are totally improving!  She loves sharing her notes about the Book of Mormon every time we visit her, and she came to church for the first time yesterday!  She really enjoyed it and asked for the general conference schedule, so we´re hoping she´ll be able to see conference as well!

2) Hermano Poses.  Hermano Poses is an awesome member who accompanied us for a lesson about the Book of Mormon this past week.  His testimony of the Book of Mormon just touched my heart.  He testified that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that it is a book filled with power, and that it can give us strength!  He said the Book of Mormon is like a magical pill that can help fix all our problems, we just have to reach out and take it…in other words, reach out, open it, and STUDY it!

3) Hermana Teresa.  We live next door to Hermana Teresa and she is such a sweet lady!  I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but she is a haircutter and this past Monday, she cut my hair!  I think I chopped off about fourteen inches or so!  This past week, she had us over for lunch for tacos!  I gave her my Cincinnati chili seasoning and she used it to season the taco meat.  It was just so delicious and reminded me of my Cincinnati roots.  I love how generous Hermana Teresa is!

Well, that´s it for now!  I sure do love you lots; always look for the blessings our Heavenly Father is raining down on us!

Hermana Dixon
March 23, 2015

Hey sweet fam!!!

Okay let me just start out by saying I am so grateful for little Juan Lacaze, Uruguay!!!  Every time we´re walking around Juan Lacaze, I love looking at all the trees, buildings, and people, and thinking about how during the first nineteen years of my life, I had no idea this little corner of the world existed.  But now, this little place has become such a big part of my life.

And do you know why Juan Lacaze is just so special?  Let me give you a few reasons:

·                     The people here are honestly the friendliest.  I especially love the people who work in the fruit stand near our house.  Every day, we walk by this fruit stand and the people treat us like we´re royalty.  They take a little break from working to give us besos or handshakes, ask us how our day is going, or say sweet things.  I am so grateful for the fruit stand people!!

·                     Some of the streets are cobblestone and some of the houses have vines.  I love it because it reminds me of a fairy tale!

·                     Juan Lacaze has the most beautiful trees.  I don´t really know how to describe them...the trunks are kind of like camouflage and the branches are super short but these trees, they´re great!

·                     Dogs ALWAYS follow us.  The other day, this little white dog was just following and following us.  We had a lesson with a sweet lady in our branch named Margarita.  Out of nowhere, during the middle of the lesson, we heard something pounding really hard on her door.  We thought it was a person, but no.  This little white dog was knocking its head on the door because she wanted to come in!  We ended up finding the little white dog´s house and returning her...don´t worry!

·                     There are so many stands to buy fresh pasta and ravioli.  YUM!  Uruguay really has a huge Italian influence when it comes to food.

·                     The people in this little branch in Juan Lacaze are just awesome.  This week, I am especially grateful for a sweet eighty-four-year-old lady named Maria Viyegas.  It´s hard for her to walk, but you can bet it is not an excuse for her not to come to church.  She is so faithful and strong!  We had an activity for Relief Society this past week, and as we were cleaning up, I looked to the side of me and Maria Viyegas was totally folding up all the chairs and moving them to where they needed to be.  She is still so willing to give all of her strength to the Lord.  Oh and her prayers are my favorite.  They´re kind of like a prayer and testimony mixture.  She starts out by praying, but about halfway through, moves into her testimony.  It is the cutest.

Things are going so great here, and I feel so happy to be a missionary in Juan Lacaze, Uruguay.  You should look this place up on Google maps or something because it´s pretty awesome. 

I love you so much, and keep being the best fam ever!!!

Hermana Dixon
March 16, 2015

Hey sweet fam!!! 

This week, I would love to start out with a quick scripture, 2 Nephi 28:30!  

For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth  I will give  more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Okay this has totally been a theme scripture for my mission.  Every aspect of the mission (my Spanish, my ability to handle stress, my power to adapt to such a different life), has been a line upon line type of process.  And do you know what I realized???  Even though the mission is super hard and sometimes seems impossible, God always gives us a little bit here and there to keep us moving forward.

I would love to share an experience that happened last night.  It´s a little long, so bear with me!!!

I honestly saw one of the biggest miracles of my mission last night.  A month or so ago, I was walking around with Hermana Obando.  We had about fifteen minutes before we needed to head back to the house to cook lunch, and there was really no one for us to visit.  So I just prayed we´d be able to find someone to talk to, and we found a sweet lady named Monica!  She was standing outside of a house (not her house, the house of an older lady she takes care of) and was just outside for a couple minutes to get some fresh air.  We talked to her for a bit and she was super friendly and said we could totally pass by in another moment.  So we passed by the next Wednesday and taught her about the restoration and it went great!!  And then the following week, I passed by with Hermana Jenkins and we taught the Book of Mormon and it also went great!!  But after we taught the Book of Mormon, it became really difficult to find her.  The lady she´s been taking care of wasn´t feeling too well, so every time we passed by, Monica said it wasn´t a good time for them.  We were thinking it might be time to stop visiting her, but about a week ago, we saw Monica outside and asked for the address of HER house.  She gave it to us and told us to pass by on Saturday!  

Okay so now I´m going to rewind to the beginning of this week.  We´ve kind of been struggling a bit here because there´s not a ton of people to visit.  This past Monday, I remembered a companionship of hermanas who were working here before I came left a list of all their investigators.  They left in a rush before transfers because presidente called them to open an area in a part of our mission that covers Argentina!  So these two hermanas quickly wrote down all their investigators and left it in the house for the next hermanas to use!  Hermana Jenkins and I decided during the times when we didn´t have people to visit, we could search for all these investigators.  Let me just say, we did lots and lots of walking and barely found any houses and I was just kind of asking myself why I had even thought to do this.  BUT...we did find someone named Jeny!  We passed by her house one afternoon and met her two oldest kids.  Her kids were super nice, so we decided to pass by another moment in the future.

On Saturday, Hermana Jenkins and I passed by Monica´s house!  I didn´t realize it at first, but Hermana Jenkins figured out Monica lives right next door to Jeny.  I didn´t think much of it, but it turned out to be a HUGE miracle they live so close.  So anyway, we knocked on Monica´s door on Saturday, and her nephew poked his head out the door to tell us she wasn´t home.  We were a little bummed because she had told us to pass by that day, but all was good.

On Sunday after finishing our weekly planning, we made some quick plans for whom we would visit in the afternoon.  And we decided since we didn´t see Monica on Saturday, we could pass by again.  And we put her neighbor, Jeny as our Plan B.  Sunday at about 8:20 p.m. or so, we arrived at Monica´s house and knocked once again.  This time, her son poked his head out of the door to tell us she wasn´t home.  We had Jeny as our Plan B, but we kind of felt scared to knock at her house because it was a little late and we didn´t want her to be annoyed with us.  But we went and talked to her anyway!  When we knocked at Jeny´s house, she came outside but she was not interested in the gospel very much.  She said she was super busy and needed to cook, but something told me we just needed to talk to her a bit more.  So we asked about her kids, her work, etc., and we had a great conversation (although it wasn´t super centered in the gospel).  About five or ten minutes into our conversation, Monica came outside!!!  All four of us (Monica, Jeny, Hermana Jenkins, and I) talked for a bit but then Jeny had to leave to cook.  So then we were left with Monica!  It was late and dark and Monica has young kiddos, so I thought we would get the usual, "pass by another time" card.  But NO!  She asked us if we could come in for a moment.  As we sat around her kitchen table, we began talking with her, and she began to tell us about how horrible of a day it had been.  She began to get really emotional.  We weren´t really aware, but she´s been having a lot of big problems in her life and felt alone and sad and didn´t know what to do.  We listened to her, sang a hymn, and Hermana Jenkins shared an INCREDIBLE scripture passage to help Monica out.  We all felt the Spirit so strong, and with God´s help, we were able to help Monica (and two of her sweet kiddos who were listening) feel just a little bit better.  

After the lesson, Monica told us a bit about what happened before our lesson.  When we knocked on her door, she was actually in the bathroom.  When she came out, her son told her two women who spoke Spanish in a really weird way had passed by and that he had told us she wasn´t home!  She felt sad because she thought we had gone on our way, but something told her to take a step outside.  So she went outside and heard our voices talking to Jeny (her neighbor)!  She then went to find us because she really needed the help of God in that moment.  

God is so involved in the details!  Last night, I realized we´ve been using the list the other hermanas left so we could find Jeny, even though she wasn´t interested.  He needed us to find Jeny´s house so when we visited Monica on Sunday and thought she wasn´t home, we could talk to Jeny for a bit until Monica was ready to find us!  Also, Monica wasn´t home on Saturday so we would pass by on Sunday, during a crucial moment when she really needed the help of God.  Sorry this story was so long, but just remember God is willing to do whatever it takes to help His children.

I love you all, and keep being so awesome.  Always look for the little bit God gives us here and there to help us move forward!!!

Hermana Dixon

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

March 9, 2015

Hey sweet fam!   

Okay I am officially the worst letter writer ever!  I wrote a lot to president today, so I don´t have much time to write.  But things here are going so great!  I´m just going to write a few quick highlights from this week:

·                     I´m not sure if I told you guys this, but Alba means "sunrise" in Spanish.  And Hermana Alba sure is a sunrise!  She´s doing really well.  We ate our first lunch with her on Friday (she made us ravioli and tuco), she received her first assignment (she´ll be helping out with seminary), she´s been singing in our branch choir, and she will be giving her first sacrament talk this Sunday.

·                     It´s starting to cool down a little bit.  I´m thinking autumn is just around the corner, woo hoo!

·                      As a mission, we received direction from a member of the seventy to study the gathering of the house of Israel.  It is so interesting!  If you guys want to learn more about the house of Israel, I would recommend reading 1 Nephi 19 and 3 Nephi 16.

·                     Our branch is becoming more and more unified.  On Wednesday night, everyone got together to clean the chapel, and it was a glorious sight to see!

Okay, I love you all so much!

Hermana Dixon
Alba's Noche de Hogar
March 2, 2015

Hey fam!!!

It´s been an awesome week and I LOVE Hermana Jenkins!  She is so sweet and so funny and is just super excited about the mission!  She´s been out five months or so.  This week has been pretty normal, but we had a few awesome experiences.
First off, we´ve been starting to teach some really great people!  One lady is named Susan.  We visited her for the first time this past Thursday, and after our lesson, she told us she had something for us!  I guess she makes dresses for Barbies, so she totally gave us a Barbie with this beautiful dress.  It was so sweet!

Second off, Alba hosted her first Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening)!  We invited some people in the branch and it was just so cute and fun.  We learned about the armor of God and did an object lesson with an orange.  When the orange has its skin (its armor) it can float above water (the difficulties and temptations of the world).  But when we take the skin off the orange, it sinks.  Alba also cooked so many delicious foods for everyone (a tuna roll, alfajores, cookies, and cake with dulce de leche frosting).  It was a night I will never forget!

Third off, Hermana Jenkins and I have been loving reading from the Book of Mormon with all the members!  We´ve figured out the key to a lasting conversion is reading the Book of Mormon and loving the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY.  This past week, we read a lot with people in Enos, and let me just tell you, the story of Enos has really touched my heart.

I am so human and I make so many mistakes.  I made so many mistakes before my mission, but living in a different culture, following a different schedule, and speaking a different language seems to make it so I am even more mistake-prone.  This past week, all the errors I´ve committed throughout my mission just kept repeating in my brain and I didn´t feel too great.  But oh my goodness Enos´s experience helped me SO MUCH!  I loved the following verses:

  And  my  soul  hungered and  kneeled  down  before  my Maker,  and  cried  unto  him  in  mighty  prayer  and supplication  for  mine  own  soul;  and  all  the  day  long  did  I cry  unto  him;  yea,  and  when  the  night  came  did  still  raise my  voice  high  that  it  reached  the  heavens.
  And  there  came  voice  unto  me,  saying:  Enos,  thy  sins are  forgiven  thee,  and  thou  shalt  be  blessed.
  And  I,  Enos,  knew  that  God  could  not  lie;  wherefore,  my guilt  was  swept  away.
  And  said:  Lord,  how  is  it  done?
  And  he  said  unto  me:  Because  of  thy  faith  in  Christ, whom  thou  hast  never  before  heard  nor  seen.  And  many years  pass  away  before  he  shall  manifest  himself  in  the flesh;  wherefore,  go  to,  thy  faith  hath  made  thee  whole.
  Now,  it  came  to  pass  that  when  had  heard  these  words began  to  feel  desire  for  the  welfare  of  my  brethren,  the Nephites;  wherefore,  did  pour  out  my  whole  soul  unto God  for  them.

I know if it was just me, Hermana Dixon, trying to resolve all of my mistakes, sins, and errors, it wouldn´t be possible!  But I also know that because we have a Savior, it is possible to have our guilt wiped away.  I know the Savior not only forgives, but WANTS to forgive.  And I know even though we are so imperfect, Jesus Christ understands our human condition and just wants us learn from our mistakes and get a little bit better every day.  I am so grateful I get to share this message of forgiveness with such a fallen world!  

Thank you for all you do, and I hope you have a wonderful week!!!  I´m so lucky to have such a sweet fam.

Hermana Dixon